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Important Updates

Amazon SES: Create and Verify Identity and Assign Default Configuration Set

Important Updates

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) has introduced several important updates that streamline identity management and configuration for email delivery. These updates include:

Simplified Identity Creation and Verification

You can now create and verify an identity and assign a default configuration set at the same time. This simplifies the setup process and ensures that your emails are sent with the desired settings from the outset.

Enhanced Conditions for Amazon SES Keys

The StringEquals and StringLike conditions are now supported with Amazon SES keys. This provides more flexibility in configuring your Amazon SES keys to meet your specific needs.

Default Shared IP Address Usage

When you create a new Amazon SES account, your emails are by default sent from IP addresses that are shared with other AWS customers. This can impact email deliverability, especially if those customers are sending spam or abusive content.

Error in Email Sending Using AWS SES Lambda Function

Some users may encounter an error when attempting to send emails using AWS SES inside an AWS lambda function. This is due to a recent change in the AWS SDK for JavaScript. To resolve this issue, update your SDK to version 3.30.0 or later.

DNS Verification Process

The verification procedure for Amazon SES identities includes initiating domain verification with SES and then publishing the DNS records. This process ensures that you have control over the domain from which you are sending emails.
